About Us
On a cold December evening, we became parents to a courageous, stubborn, perfect little boy named Reed Elliott. He had wild dark hair, huge feet, and made the sweetest whimper after each breath. He was a miracle.
Unfortunately, Reed was born with a severe neurological injury. He lived for four days, and we were extremely grateful to have every second we did. Our time with Reed was far too short, but it was filled with beauty, wonder, and love. There are many lessons we have learned since Reed's birth, and we want to share the things our son taught us with the world.
We learned about gratitude, compassion, and cherishing every moment. During our time in the NICU, our nurses helped us capture wonderful moments as a family of three, and provided us with resources, photographs, and memories that bring us comfort daily. These gestures and the compassion we were shown in the hospital allowed us to make the most of every second we had with our son. We are now passionate about giving back to the NICU, and helping offer support and comfort in any way we can to other heartbroken families. The handmade boards Marc sells allow us to donate funds each month to the NICU at St. Joseph Hospital, and the blankets Samantha sews are gifted to other families facing the loss of their precious babies.
We have also learned about the everlasting bonds of family and love, and the power of sharing stories as a community. A parent's love lasts forever. So, too, does their grief. Whether you have experienced loss yourself, have friends or family living with loss, or simply love Reed, we hope that the stories and lessons shared through our blog can shine a light on what one journey on this road looks like.

"And we wept that one so lovely should have a life so brief" ~ William Cullen Bryant
When we look at them now, sometimes we see "love Reed" - a command, reminding us to always act in a way that demonstrates our love for our son. Other times, we see "love, Reed" - a gentle reminder that our baby is still with us, in a million immeasurable ways, sending his love.